Super Without the Power

Contribution by Stevie Kirby

Batman is the best superhero simply because, in the purest sense, he isn't one. Let's face it; he doesn't have laser vision, he can't fly, shoot any insect related substance out of his anatomy, or lift up over-sized objects with the strength of one hundred men. In that sense, what most people consider superability is obviously lacking.

If it came down to the wire and Batman was pitted against the likes of Superman, The Hulk, or Magneto, he would probably not prevail in the end. With this major issue against him, why do I consider him my favorite? First of all Batman does not let his lack of super power stop him from doing what needs to be done. He compensates through ingenuity.

What another superhero can do via natural means, Batman can do via gadgets and technology. There is a learning curve and before he can effectively do something super he has to practice and refine the techniques. Personally I think that makes him a more worthy superhero. He earns the title instead of being born or genetically altered into it. When I flip on direct tv miami fl and there I see him perched on rooftops poised to swoop down on Gotham's criminals, I appreciate that he does so knowing the limitations of his human self. That is what makes him a superhero.

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