Home Safety is Important to us...and you

We are a middle class, middle income family and we can’t afford to have our home burglarized or broken into.  Ken has a large collection of model trains, and many are worth in excess of $500.00 per engine.  Plus we have a new TV set, a fairly decent computer system and odds and ends that we wouldn’t want to lose. Our choice for a dependable ADT system is home security Maricopa.  This Home Security System gives us what we consider to be invaluable to our peace of mind by guarding our home from intrusion and burglary, flame outbreaks and carbon monoxide emission…plus many other threats to our security.

Although this sounds strange, we discovered this ADT system while watching our favorite program on Direct TV.   There was just a little blurb about home security and what this system can do…and we decided that we needed to look into it.  It is not as expensive as we thought it would be.  And they really have a well-maintained response system in case of problems.

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